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Monday, November 29, 2010

A Look at Disc Dog

As Ultimate Frisbee is becoming more popular as a sport, so is its counterpart in dog sports. Disc dog or Frisbee dog had attracted both dogs and their owners to train hard and compete in events like distance catching and freestyle catching. This and other dog sports allow owners and their pets to strengthen their bond as it require them to spend more time and work together.

Any type of dog can play Frisbee. Mixed breed dogs and those rescued from shelters have made their names in this sport. Engaging pets into sport allow them to live an active and dynamic lifestyle. It’s also a good form of exercise to make him more energetic and vigorous.

However, dogs must be trained first to prepare him for the different challenges of sports. Owners must be ready to devote ample time and effort to develop his physical and mental health. Not all dogs immediately understand the concept of the game so it’s important to be patient enough to teach him the basics of the game. You may throw the disc but he may not know what to do with it. This is one of most common problems owners’ face especially those who are always busy. Good thing there are training kits that can aid them. Just be sure to employ petsafe ways and proper techniques.

For those who want to join disc dog competitions, they usually happen during summer in plain grassy fields or sometimes even in winter on soft snow. Some of the most popular events include the Ashley Whippet Invitational, Skyhoundz, and the UFO World Cup Series.

Get your dog in the game! Train them now to be more active and energetic. Not just for the sake of competing, but also to keep them fit and healthy.


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